Programming languages are future of languages

Things have changed a lot since technology came into existence. Although, we are still dependent on nature, but now we are using technology equally. So, today we are going to talk about "how technology works and how we interact with it.

Well, machinery and small devices are made through metals and mechanical parts but it's only called frames or design. The real work begins when they start functioning. We are talking about the brain of the device. It needs to be programmed to start its functions and this can only be done through high-level languages and low-level languages. 

In future, these languages will be known more than common languages because technology is going to overtake everything in the future and common people will also start understanding these languages, nowadays schools and institutes have started to teach these coding languages.

There are so many programming languages that are used to make programs and software to control machines and devices.

These are some popular programming languages:-

Java     JavaScript Swift Delphi
C VB .Net Objective-C Go
C++ R Assembly Scratch
Python PHP Perl PL/SQL
C# MATLAB Ruby Visual Basic

The above-mentioned programming languages are currently used to make programs, software, applications, and operating systems. And we use software, operating systems, and applications made from these programming languages. These programming languages are easy to learn and can easily be learned online. There are many courses that teach these programming languages.
You can find these courses on the following websites: -
  1. Coursera
  2. Udemy
  3. edX
  4. W3School
  5. Code Academy
Thousand of other websites are also available...

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